Travelling from Luang Prabang our next stop was the infamous town of Vang Vieng. Although not nearly as hectic as it once was it’s still a magnet for anyone looking to party or seeking out adventure activities in Laos.
Finding ourselves at the lovely Maylyn guesthouse (definitely check them out if you head that way!) we scored ourselves a rustic bungalow by a stream with views out across the fields towards the piercing karst mountains in the distance.
Hiring a set of bikes the next day we set out in search of the famous blue lagoon, only to be disappointed that it wasn’t quite a lagoon so much as a creek – although the water was definitely a brilliant shade of blue! Moving up past the ‘lagoon’ we climbed up into mountainside into the Tham Phu Kham caves – a cool limestone cave system that extends deep into the mountain, with some huge caverns and openings that create some really interesting lighting.