Ok last post on this place.. but.. have to say that Rome was awesome.. and I don’t mean ‘was’ in the sense that it used to be the centre of a grand empire etc etc. but simply because I’m now on a bus out of there…
Out early on Sunday morning to get to the Pantheon before the crowds rolled in – turns out Sunday is reserved for church service and so we’re booted out pretty quick. Tried again on Monday morning and pretty much had the entire place to myself. Pretty inspiring to look about and realise that this place was constructed 2000 years ago – pretty damn impressive! Sent Jess back to London before lunch – keeping all that pizza for myself 🙂

Spent the afternoon milling with the crowds at the Vatican. Figured I’d save the €2 on the elevator and climbed the stairs to the top of the cupola (too many to bother counting – apparently the dome is so high that the Statue of Liberty in her entirety can fit comfortably underneath!). 360° view of Rome from the top, assuming you can push the school kids out of your way (read: not over the edge – but out of the way – tempting thoughts..) and a good view of the Pope’s personal vegetable garden.
Up early again to beat the crowds and got the bus back down to the Vatican museum. Half hour before opening time and the entry line-up already stretched back 500m. Asking some honest and trust-worthy gypsies their opinion on whether I should join the queue or give up, they promptly thrust their palms out and threw their faces on the ground. A little difficult to interpret so I simply gave it up and went looking for pizza.